Terms Of Use And Legal Information

这些条款和条件约束您对本网站的使用. 使用本网站前,请仔细阅读本条款. If you 不接受这些条款,请不要使用本网站. 使用本网站即表示您接受这些条款. We update 这些条款,所以请参考他们在未来.


- You will be able to access the majority of this website without having to register any details with us.


- You are permitted to use our website for your own purposes and to print and download material from this website provided 未经我们同意,您不得修改任何内容. 本网站上的内容不得在线上或离线转载 without our permission.

- The copyright and other intellectual property rights in all material on this website are owned by us or our licensors and 未经我们同意不得转载.

- Subject to paragraph 2.1、未经我们事先书面许可,不得转载本网站的任何部分.


- We take all reasonable steps to ensure that this website is available 24 hours every day, 365 days per year. However, 由于服务器和其他技术问题,网站有时会遇到停机. 因此,如果发生这种情况,我们将不负责任 website is unavailable at any time.

—本网站可能因系统故障等原因暂时无法访问, maintenance or repair or for reasons beyond our control. Where possible we will try to give our visitors advance warning of maintenance issues but shall not be obliged to do so.


-个人身份信息除外, 我们的隐私政策涵盖了这些信息的使用, any material you send or post to this website shall be considered non-proprietary and not confidential. Unless you advise to the contrary we will be free to copy, disclose, distribute, 合并并以其他方式使用这些材料用于任何和所有目的.

- When using this website you shall not post or send to or from this website any material:

  1. 你尚未取得所有必要的同意;
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  3. which is harmful in nature including, and without limitation, computer viruses, Trojan horses, corrupted data, or other potentially harmful software or data.

- We will fully co-operate and comply with any regulatory authority or court order requiring us to disclose the identity or other details of any person posting material to this website in breach of the terms of use.


- Any links to third party websites located on this website are provided for your convenience only. We have not reviewed each third-party website and have no responsibility for such third party websites or their content. We do not endorse the 第三方网站和访问链接到本网站或来自本网站的第三方网站, it is at your own risk.

-如果你想链接到这个网站, 您只能在您链接到的基础上这样做, but do not replicate, any 网页,并须符合下列条件:

  • you do not in any way imply that we are endorsing any services or products unless this has been specifically agreed with us;
  • you do not misrepresent your relationship with us or present any false information about us;
  • you do not link from a website that is not owned by you; and
  • 你的网站不包含令人反感的内容, controversial, 侵犯任何知识产权或 任何其他人的其他权利或不以任何方式遵守百慕大法律.

-如果您选择链接到我们的网站违反使用条款, 你方全额赔偿我方所遭受的任何损失或损害 as a result of your actions.


- We take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information on this website is correct. However, we do not guarantee the 本网站上资料的正确性或完整性. 我们可随时更改本网站的资料 without notice. 本网站上的资料可能已经过时, 或者在极少数情况下不正确,我们不承诺 确保这些材料是正确的或最新的.

- The material on this website is provided without any conditions or warranties of any kind. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we provide access and use of this website on the basis that we exclude all representations, warranties and conditions 除这些条款外,哪些条款与本网站有关.

- All content provided on this website is based upon information which we believe to be reliable and should be understood to be general information only. All case studies and examples are particular to the unique situation of the client or matter then at hand. Any commentary is not intended to be taken as advice with respect to any individual situation and cannot be relied upon as such. Kane does not provide actuarial, accounting, tax, 或法律意见和网站用户的建议 就这些问题咨询他们自己的顾问.

-澳门新葡新京在线公司提供的服务将因住所而异. 本网站上的任何内容均不构成要约,也不得被解释为要约 to provide services where Kane is not authorized to do so to or where otherwise prohibited by law or regulation to which Kane is subject.

- Kane may develop business relationships with the entities listed as “Partners” on its site. However, you are advised in each such instance that each “Partner” is its own legal entity independent of Kane and is solely responsible for the business it conducts. Kane provides no warranty and disclaims all liability for the products or services each may provide.


-无论是我方还是任何其他方(无论是否参与生产), 维护或提供本网站), shall be liable or responsible for any kind of loss or damage that may result to you or a third party as a result of your or their use of our website. 不包括服务或修理费用和, without limitation, any other direct, indirect or consequential loss, and whether in tort or contract or otherwise in connection with this website.


  • 过失造成的死亡或者人身伤害;
  • fraud;
  • misrepresentation as to a fundamental matter; or
  • 根据百慕达法律不能排除或限制的任何责任.


- These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Bermuda law. Any dispute(s) arising in connection with the terms and conditions are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Bermuda.


The following disclaimer is provided in connection with emails sent by individuals from the asheville-appliance.net or kane-group.com address:

这封邮件来自澳门新葡新京在线集团旗下的一家公司. “澳门新葡新京在线”或“澳门新葡新京在线集团”指的是一群人 separate individual companies established and operating in domiciles as set forth in the “Our Details” section below. Our 公司结构、许可证和澳门新葡新京在线也在那里列出.

The information contained in this email and in any attachments is confidential and maybe privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, we request that you destroy this message and notify the sender immediately. You should not retain, copy or use this email for any purpose, nor disclose all or any part of its content to any other person.

请注意,本信息中表达的任何观点都是个人发送者的观点, except where they are specifically 并被正式指定为澳门新葡新京在线的观点.

Kane monitors the content of emails sent and received via its network for unauthorised use and for other lawful business purposes. 我们采取一切合理措施,尽量减少病毒和类似恶意软件的风险, however, as the use of email 而且它的传输很容易被拦截或出错, 我们建议您和/或您的组织扫描所有 incoming emails against such threats. 更多关于澳门新葡新京在线的信息可以在 asheville-appliance.net.


Kane and Kane Solutions refer to the Kane group affiliated corporate entities that undertake the various business activities for which each is authorised in jurisdictions around the world. 澳门新葡新京在线解决方案本身不是一个法律实体或合伙企业.

Kane LPI Holdings Limited, through its subsidiaries, 提供一定的基金和第三方管理服务 companies. 澳门新葡新京在线LPI控股有限公司在百慕大注册成立,注册号为52616.


Kane LPI Solutions Limited*,
Head Office:,
4th Floor, Cumberland House,
1 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM 11,
P.O. Box HM 3033, Hamilton HM NX,

Registered Office:
c/o Ocorian,
Victoria Place, 5th Floor,
31 Victoria Street, PO Box HM 1624,
Hamilton HM 10,

Kane LPI Solutions Limited董事会:
- John Uprichard (Group CEO),
- Narciso Almeida (Deputy CEO),
- Graziella Vella (Group Head of Operations),
- Alain Fournier (Head of Fund Administration)

*Kane LPI Solutions Limited获授权经营基金管理提供商业务, Corporate 服务提供商业务和信托业务由百慕大金融管理局.

Kane LPI Solutions (Malta) Limited*,
Central Business Centre ,
Mdina Road,
Zebbug ZBG 9015,

*Kane LPI Solutions (Malta) Limited is regulated by the MFSA as a Recognized Fund Administrator. Please click here 查看与澳门新葡新京在线LPI解决方案相关的重要信息 (马耳他)有限公司及其提供的服务.

Kane IM (Malta) Limited,
Central Business Centre,
Mdina Road,
Zebbug ZBG 9015,

Dubai International Financial Centre,
The Gate Village 1, 2nd Floor,
Unit 8, PO Box 506732,
United Arab Emirates

*Kane LPI Solutions Limited (DIFC Branch) is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority

Kane LPI Solutions (Mauritius) Limited,
11th Floor, Maeva Tower,
Ebene, CyberCity,

Kane LPI Solutions (USA), Inc.,
PO Box 161,
Greenwich, CT 06836,

Our contact details are:
Head of Operations,
T: +441-295-8448,
E: [email protected]

Office Address:
4th Floor, Cumberland House,
1 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM 11,
P.O. Box HM 3033, Hamilton HM NX, Bermuda


澳门新葡新京在线始终努力以诚信经营其业务, full transparency, and in such a manner as to treat its clients fairly. 如果任何客户对此有疑问或希望提出投诉, it may be directed to the Head of 基金管理处,汉密顿区维多利亚街1号坎伯兰大厦4楼.O. Box HM 3033, Hamilton HM NX, Bermuda. 或者,您也可以通过电子邮件与我们联系 [email protected]. Processes are in place to ensure that any such correspondence will be properly handled and addressed on a timely basis.